Technician helps the client relax his back muscles, while applying one of the Swedish massage techniques

A full body massage that uses smooth, fluid movements that help improve circulation and provide well-being.

The rush of everyday life generates several moments of stress and tension that accumulate and can negatively affect health and well-being. Relaxation massage is an excellent way to relieve and reduce these effects, through smooth and fluid movements that improve circulation, reduce tension, and promote a state of peace and tranquility.

Allow yourself to enjoy 60 minutes of tranquility, while recovering your energy and inner strength. Feel your body renewed and ready to face the day-to-day demands. Schedule your relaxation massage session now.

  • Duration: 30 - 120 min.
  • Price: 45 € - 95 €

For appointments and more information contact me


  • You should indicate only one type of massage per session.
  • The transportation up to 5km from the center of Parede, Cascais county, is included in the price. For distances over 5km, an additional fee of 1.20 euros per kilometer.
  • Payments by MBWay, cash or immediate bank transfer.